Enable Directx 11 Windows 10

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Jul 12, 2019  I upgraded from 8.1 to 10 and everything's ok but my dxdiag says directx 11.2? I have the latest Nvidia W10 driver for my Geforce 610 (353.62), all fermi will have DX12 support and Windows update even updated it shortly again, causing some issues. What is DirectX? DirectX is a set of low-level Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provides Windows programs with high-performance hardware-accelerated multimedia support.

Win7 is the first OS to use DX11, so I imagine your still unnamed graphics card is only capable of DX10.

- It's a common misconception that Win7 has only DX 11, or that Win10 has only DX12.

Win7 has three versions of DX - 9,10 and 11.
- The following is a list of the Direct X .dll's you will have if the files are up to date.
Go to the WindowsSystem 32 folder, (and SysWOW64 if you have 64bit).
They are in alphabetical order and will start with d3dx9 - 24 > 43 . Then d3dx10 - 33 > 43 & finally d3dx11 - 42 > 43.
There should also be - d3d9, d3d10 and d3d11 these come before the D3Dcompilers - 33>43.
- There are more DX files, but these are most of the graphics related Direct X .dll's
- If your Windows does have all of the file above and you get DX error messages,

it may be the files used by the games are corrupt.

In this case reinstall DX. The full DirectX Redist (June 2010) installer package below overwrites all the DX files.

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Enable Directx 11 Windows 10 Download

- The Direct X Web Installer is an updating tool that will install any 'missing' DX files, but this does not

repair corrupt files. The Web Installer is useful with new machines or Windows installs.

- I believe new DX12 files will be installed via Windows updates when they become available.

Enable Directx 11 Windows 10 Download


Enable Directx 11 Windows 10 Compatible