Itextsharp Convert Pdf To Image

Active7 months ago

I want to convert Pdf pages in Images using ItextSharp lib.

Have any idea how to convert each page in image file

Prithvi Raj NandiwalPrithvi Raj Nandiwal

I need to convert PDF files to Images. If the PDF is Multi-page,I just need one image that contains all of the PDF pages. Are there any open source solutions which are not charged like the Acrobat. The basics of adding an image to your iTextSharp PDF document involves first reading your file into an iTextSharp image object ( iTextSharp.text.Image). In the example of adding a logo from the Images folder from the root of your Web site to your PDF, this is done as follows.

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After doing a lot of research about how to provide to iTextSharp the correct image I found that one guy mentioned the 'IImageProvider' interface that gives to iTextSharp the ability of find the image using custom methods. Well, I have done one example using iTextSharp You can download it here. Sep 29, 2011  I just finished working on a project that required multiple images to be combined into a single PDF document. I used iTextSharp to create the PDF, and I'm pretty happy with the solution that I came up with. There were only two functions required: one. I just finished working on a project that required multiple images to be combined into a single PDF document. I used iTextSharp to create the PDF, and I'm pretty happy with the solution that I came up with. There were only two functions required: one that converts an image to a smaller size & lesser. After doing a lot of research about how to provide to iTextSharp the correct image I found that one guy mentioned the 'IImageProvider' interface that gives to iTextSharp the ability of find the image using custom methods. Well, I have done one example using iTextSharp You can download it here.

4 Answers

iText/iTextSharp can generate and/or modify existing PDFs but they do not perform any rendering which is what you are looking for. I would recommend checking out Ghostscript or some other library that knows how to actually render a PDF.

Chris HaasChris Haas
40.8k7 gold badges103 silver badges219 bronze badges

you can use ImageMagick convert pdf to image

convert -density 300 'd:1.pdf' -scale @1500000 'd:a.jpg'

and split pdf can use itextsharp

here is the code from others.


You can use Ghostscript to convert the PDF files into Images, I used the following parameters to convert the needed PDF into tiff image with multiple frames :

Also you can use the -q parameter for silent modeYou can get more information about its output devices from here

Itextsharp convert pdf page to image

After that I can easily load the tiff frames like the following

Amer SawanAmer Sawan
1,5111 gold badge17 silver badges30 bronze badges

you can extract Image from PDF and save as JPG here is the sample code you need Itext Sharp

Itextsharp Convert Pdf To Image File


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Active3 years ago

Convert a html to pdf using iTextSharp

The html contains several embedded images this way. This method was preferred as the same HTML is sent via email using LinkedResources in an AlternateView.

However, when the pdf gets generated, there is no way to link the image id with the src part of the img html tag.Ultimately, the pdf contains all the images up top and then the HTML with the <img src... ignored.

I've read several possible solutions using either Paragraphs or the ImageAbsolutePosition but they don't seem to fit in.

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5 Answers


Look at this site, looks like this can work.


Here is the code and text from the Referenced Site

Itextsharp Add Image To Pdf

The people which have been working with iTextSharp and its HTMLWorker class for rendering one HTML page to PDF knows what I'm talking about: if the HTML contains images with relative path you'll probably get the 'friendly' yellow screen!

It means that iTextShap tried to get one image with the relative path 'images/screenshot.3.jpg' as the local file 'C:imagesscreenshot.3.jpg', so, that image doesn't exist.After doing a lot of research about how to provide to iTextSharp the correct image I found that one guy mentioned the 'IImageProvider' interface that gives to iTextSharp the ability of find the image using custom methods. Well, I have done one example using iTextSharp you can download it here.

First at all you have to create one class that implements the IImageProvider Interface:

After it, you have to assign this image provider as the 'img_provider' interface property of the HTMLWorker class before rendering the HTML Content:

Now, when you render your HTML it should work with relative images.

Althought this is one example made for ASP.Net, the main idea is how to create one custom Image Provider for iTextSharp when rendering HTML and it could be used on any application, also, this could help you not only for getting images from a relative location, I have used it (with more code, obviously) for getting images from SharePoint or Sites that require authentication.

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Convert Pdf To Image online, free

or you can convert virtual path to physical path with Server.MapPath like this:


I found before that there is an issue when you use relative path in Itextsharp html pdf generation as you mentioned you can use the ImageAbsolutePosition which would require you to use paragraph to position your image correctly or if you still want to use htmlyou would have to give direct path something like

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